
A Walk in Other’s Shoes is returning to this year’s Week of Action Against Poverty. This challenge is being undertaken by individuals in the community who have interests within the health field. Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $337 monthly for all of their personal needs and $384 for all of their shelter costs. Because participants cannot replicate the housing conditions realistically, shelter costs are not included within this challenge. For the five day challenge, participants will have $11 daily to cover all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each day, every participant will be given a challenge card which will reveal an unexpected challenge to be completed before the end of the day.

A Walk in Other’s Shoes is not a competitive challenge. It is a challenge that raises awareness of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face daily. As we within our community develop our own understanding, we can begin to reduce the barriers that they encounter and ultimately increase opportunities for increased prosperity for all. The challenge takes place February 10th-14th, 2018.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


I had a fun morning at my in-laws house for breakfast. I try and see my family and my husbands family at least once per week. It became clear today that it would be extremely hard/impossible to live where I do (in the bushes!) because the cost of transportation alone would be too high. I will take $2.50 out for gas money today and I guess I owe $2.50 for the ride I took yesterday. I think I will try parking my car at the Rec Centre tomorrow and walking to work. Would I be able to have my job if I didn't have access to a vehicle though? I can see how not having a vehicle would limit ones employment prospects. Just another obstacle to overcome.

Here is my budget:
$55.00 - $35.34(groceries) + $3.00(carts) - $5.00 (gas money) = $17.66

This amount gives me anxiety -its only the second day and I have pretty much blown my budget. I go over the foods I chose - could I have cut corners there? I could have - but should I have to? Or should I have sacrificed having a social life and connecting with friends and family? If we are looking and the link between poverty and health - I can see that this constant struggle would leave a person exhausted.

I am scheduled to curl tomorrow, at 6:00pm, in KEEWATIN! I looked at the bus schedule and there is one bus going to Keewatin leaving City Hall at 4:36. This is 6 minutes after I get off work - I will have to hustle to make it! I will also have to see what the drop in curling fee is... but I can see this cutting into my bottom line. The easiest thing to do would be to cancel, but I can't let down my team and it is usually the only time I get to see some friends throughout the week.

Today I ate oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, macaroni and cheese for lunch, an apple and cheese for a snack, and I made a shepherds-like pie for dinner (dirty mashed because I only peel on holidays). My challenge today was to feed two, so my husband and I ate this shepherdy-pie together for dinner. I had to cheat and borrow 1/2 cup of milk for the mash... again meal planning is not my strength! There is enough for my lunch and dinner tomorrow - because I won't have enough time to come home after work and before curling (6 minutes!). 

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